FORUM-ASIA’s South Asia Programme supports the work of FORUM-ASIA’s member organisations at the national level. Additionally, the regional strategies enhance inter-programme synergy, cooperation, and coordination within the Secretariat for effective advocacy, campaigning, and networking
The United Nations (UN) Advocacy Programme strives to bring an Asian perspective to global human rights discourses through continued engagement with UN human rights mechanisms. FORUM-ASIA connects Asian human rights defenders and civil society to official and geopolitical discourses at the UN. FORUM-ASIA provides a unique platform for Asian human rights defenders to advocate for their issues with ownership at various international forums.
FORUM-ASIA’s East Asia and ASEAN Programme supports the work of FORUM-ASIA’S member organisations at the national level. Moreover, it aims to enhance the independence and effectiveness of the ASEAN human rights mechanisms by strengthening the participation of civil society. It does so through various activities such as: workshops; trainings; national and regional consultations between civil society organisations and representatives of the AICHR and ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Right of Women and Children (ACWC); and other forms of information sharing.
FORUM-ASIA’s advocacy work on National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) is conducted by the NHRIs Advocacy Programme. The programme’s main objective is to ensure that NHRIs are able to function in an enabling environment that is conducive for the actualisation of their mandate, and to advocate for the establishment of NHRIs in countries where such institutions do not exist yet that are in full compliance with the Paris Principles. The programme mainly operates through the ANNI, a network of Asian non-governmental organisations and human rights defenders working on issues relating to NHRIs.
The Business and Human Rights (BHR) Programme works on issues of business and human rights, climate and environmental justice, and inclusive and sustainable development. Through research, capacity building, and advocacy, BHR works to ensure that communities, their struggles and their environmental rights, and economic, social and cultural rights are put at the centre of these issues. Additionally, BHR seeks to foster human rights-centric approaches in government, corporate, and international financial activities towards an enabling environment for communities, civil society and environmental human rights defenders (EHRDs).
The Communication and Media (CM) Programme works on internal and external communication to maximise the organisational outreach to its members, partners and outside audiences, through traditional and social media strategies, publications and other communication tools. The primary role of the programme is to create a larger constituency for human rights issues in Asia.
The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Programme plays an important and key role in supporting the other programmes and the organisation at large, to develop and further strengthen its internal planning, monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as to lead donor reporting and documentation processes.
The Finance Programme oversees the financial resources of FORUM-ASIA and is in charge of the planning, organising, auditing and accounting of FORUM-ASIA’s finances.
The overall objective of the Administration Department is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative management services of FORUM-ASIA. The department aims to improve office maintenance, administrative support and services for members as well as management and programme staff. It does so by providing: administrative support and services; staff members support and human resources; office maintenance; and IT support.
FORUM-ASIA’s advocacy work on National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) is conducted by the NHRIs Advocacy Programme. The programme’s main objective is to ensure that NHRIs are able to function in an enabling environment that is conducive for the actualisation of their mandate, and to advocate for the establishment of NHRIs in countries where such institutions do not exist yet that are in full compliance with the Paris Principles. The programme mainly operates through the ANNI, a network of Asian non-governmental organisations and human rights defenders working on issues relating to NHRIs.
The Business and Human Rights (BHR) Programme works on issues of business and human rights, climate and environmental justice, and inclusive and sustainable development. Through research, capacity building, and advocacy, BHR works to ensure that communities, their struggles and their environmental rights, and economic, social and cultural rights are put at the centre of these issues. Additionally, BHR seeks to foster human rights-centric approaches in government, corporate, and international financial activities towards an enabling environment for communities, civil society and environmental human rights defenders (EHRDs).
The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Programme plays an important and key role in supporting the other programmes and the organisation at large, to develop and further strengthen its internal planning, monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as to lead donor reporting and documentation processes.
The Finance Programme oversees the financial resources of FORUM-ASIA and is in charge of the planning, organising, auditing and accounting of FORUM-ASIA’s finances.
The overall objective of the Administration Department is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative management services of FORUM-ASIA. The department aims to improve office maintenance, administrative support and services for members as well as management and programme staff. It does so by providing: administrative support and services; staff members support and human resources; office maintenance; and IT support.