At FORUM-ASIA, we employ a range of strategies to effectively achieve our goals and create a lasting impact.

Through a diverse array of approaches, FORUM-ASIA is dedicated to achieving our objectives and leaving a lasting imprint on human rights advocacy.

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Our interventions are meticulously crafted and ready to enact tangible change, addressing pressing issues and empowering communities.

Each statements, letters, and publications are meticulously tailored, poised to transform challenges into opportunities, and to empower communities towards sustainable progress.

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With a firm commitment to turning ideas into action, FORUM-ASIA strives to create lasting change that leaves a positive legacy for future generations.

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Thematic Programmes

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These Programmess are divided thematically, in accordance with the principles of indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness of human rights, democracy, development and peace:

  1. To protect human rights activists and practitioners by strengthening and promoting the role of the Human Rights Defenders
  2. To assist, strengthen and consolidate democratization processes and promote democratic governance through enforcement of the rule of law at local, national and global levels,
  3. To protect and promote human rights and civil liberty threatened by terrorism and counter-terrorism measures and promote a culture of peace and peaceful non-violent transformation of conflicts,
  4. To fight all forms of discriminations against minority groups and protect vulnerable groups better by strengthening solidarity networks,
  5. To respond to the various challenges of neo-liberal economic globalization by promoting the right to development and economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights,
  6. To promote women's rights by integrating gender perspective and by promoting gender-sensitive culture in the organizational life and work.

The current Thematic Programmes include:

  1. Human Rights Defenders
  2. Anti-Discrimination, Minorities and Vulnerable Groups
  3. Globalization and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  4. Democratization and the Rule of Law
  5. Right to Development
  6. Peace and Human Security
  7. Women's Rights and Gender Issue