Millions globally are expected to participate in the events organised by the Global Call for Action Against Poverty (GCAP) on October 17 to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. There will also be simultaneous events in several countries in Asia, including a signature campaign to be presented to the United Nations, a sharing ceremony in Geneva and a Poetry Requiem, which will be staged in at least 23 countries.
More than 20 million Asians are expected to join the actions and mobilisations around the globe on October 17 to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
For 24 hours, people around the world will gather for the various “Stand Up and Speak Out against Poverty and Inequality” events organised by the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, the world’s largest civil society movement calling for the end to poverty and inequality. (More than 20 million Asians set to ' Stand Up and Speak Out against Poverty' ).
In Asia, events will be held in Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Sri Lanka.
Asians will call on people to express their frustration at the continuing extreme poverty in many parts of the region. They will also call on world leaders to honour their promise to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, end the cycle of indebtedness and lower maternal mortality ratios in Asia.
People are also invited to sign the Call for Action and thus join tens of thousands of like-minded people. The Call for Action will be presented to the United Nations tomorrow in Paris, France.
Meanwhile, in Hall 14 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, ATD Quart Monde will organise a ceremony together with those experiencing poverty and exclusion on a daily basis from 13.00 to 13.30. The ceremony will include readings and testimonies from people living in extreme poverty, will call upon participants to sign the Call to Action and will be followed by a reception offered by the Permanent Mission of France.
Another way to participate in GCAP’s Stand Up and Speak Out action day and make a political and an artistic statement against poverty is by attending the Poverty Requiem. The Poverty Requiem, a musical piece for four choirs, was written by Sylvia Borren, general director of Oxfam Novib Netherlands. 42 performances of the musical will be staged in at least 23 countries this year.
Useful links
Check here below to go to the main websites and see how you can act to fight poverty!
October 17, World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty
Global Call to Action Against Poverty
STAND UP Against Poverty
Social Perspective on Developemnt (SPDB)