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Schedule of meetings for Solidarity for Asian Peoples Advocacy in February and March 2009

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Solidarity for Asian Peoples Advocacy (SAPA)  will hold several back to back meetings in February and March 2009.

Solidarity for Asian Peoples Advocacy (SAPA)  will hold several back to back meetings in February and March 2009. The details of the meetings are as follow:
1. SAPA Task Force on ASEAN Human Rights Body (SAPA TFAHR)

Date: 18-19 February 2009, Windsor Hotel, Bangkok. SAPA TFAHR's Gender Focal Point (APWLD and IWRAW) will hold the regional workshop for women organizations to comment on the 1st draft of TOR AHRB.
2. SAPA 3rd General Forum
Date: 23-25 February 2009, Windsor Hotel, Bangkok. More detailed program will be sent out later.
3. SAPA Taskforce on ASEAN and Human Rights meets to compile inputs from national workshops on the first draft of the Terms of Reference on ASEAN Human Rights Body

Date: 26-27 February 2009, Hua Hin, Thailand. SAPA TFAHR plans to have its meeting to compile the inputs from national workshops held in January and February 2009. A strategic meeting will be held on 1 March. 
On 27 February, ASEAN High Level Panel had agreed to meet regional CSOs to have a second round of dialogue.