This training manual is prepared as part of FORUM-ASIA’s efforts to facilitate civil society engagement with the newly established ASEAN Human Rights mechanisms, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC). It was produced in response to a long overdue call to bring more information about ASEAN to the peoples at the national and community levels.The manual is structured to give trainers a guide on how to break down the “heavy” subject matter of ASEAN human rights mechanism into smaller modules.
Please click this link to download a pdf copy of the manual , 11.5 MB.
Please click the following links to download the Appendices for the training modules:
- Appendices for Module 1
- Appendices for Module 2
- Appendices for Module 3
- Appendices for Module 4
- Appendices for Module 5
- Appendices for Module 6