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PAKISTAN – Why fire a seven-year-old? Probe must be shown

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hrcplogo.jpgThe Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed concern over injuries to a seven-year-old girl in firing by Frontier Corps personnel on a car in Peshawar, and demanded a credible probe into the incident.
hrcplogo.jpg(Source: 3 December 2009, FORUM-ASIA member HRCP)
Lahore: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)
has expressed concern over injuries to a seven-year-old girl in firing
by Frontier Corps personnel on a car in Peshawar, and demanded a
credible probe into the incident.

A statement issued by the commission on Thursday said: "The girl was
apparently injured when her family's car approached a security forces'
convoy. Amid a heightened threat of terrorism, it is all the more
important that the security forces take every possible precaution to
ensure that civilians are not affected by their actions. The government
must immediately hold a transparent inquiry to ascertain what led to
the tragic incident and how it could have been avoided. It must also
ensure that the child is provided the best medical facilities and the
family is compensated. The incident highlights the need for improved
procedure for the security forces to distinguish between civilians and