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Innovative New Website Follows the Human Rights Council

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The Human Rights Council will hold its fifth session from 11 to 18 June 2007. NGOs interested in following its progress can visit the new NGO Information and Cooperation (NGOIC) website.
The Human Rights Council will hold its fifth session from 11 to 18 June 2007. NGOs interested in following its progress can visit the new NGO Information and Cooperation (NGOIC) website.  NGOIC is a civil society initiative, independent of governments and the UN secretariat.  For NGOs in Asia, it is an opportunity to follow the issues undertaken by this UN body, as well as a chance to collaborate and discuss concerns with other NGOs around the world. The website is free to use.

Visitors can download timely news updates, key documents, and participate in discussion forums about issues such as draft resolutions or the rules of special procedures.

FORUM-ASIA welcomes the innovative creation of NGOIC. Via the internet, it is levelling the playing field for grassroots and local NGOs and making up-to-date information and cooperation easier.  Eventually NGOIC will expand the discussion forums to include Virtual Interest Groups (VIG), workspaces for like-minded NGOs to coalesce.  Eventually, NGOIC may be able to facilitate sending written questions to Special Procedures mandate holders, a novel idea that helps NGOs without consultative status virtually voice their concerns.

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