FORUM-ASIA member from India, Banglar Manabadhikar Surakksha Mancha (MASUM) published its monthly human rights report for November 2017.
In November 2017, MASUM filed 13 complaints before the National Human Rights Commission. During the month, eight replies and one update was made to National Human Rights Commission. Out of 13 regular fact findings and subsequent complaints; one was about extra judicial killing, four about torture committed by Border Security Force personnel, two about illegal detentions of Bangladeshi women and children at Indian prison, one about torture committed by police, three about the livelihood issues of erstwhile enclave dwellers, one about trafficking of a minor girl and acquiescence of police and one about attack on human rights defender. Total numbers of affected in regular fact findings were 28; out of that 12 were Muslims, 16 belong to Schedule Castes community. 19 were male and 8 women and 1 minor girl.
For a PDF version of this report, click here.