Gender inequality and discrimination are major concern in Nepal especially rural and peri-urban areas. Empowering women and girls and achieving gender equality are crucial to creating inclusive, open and prosperous societies. Hence, Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal (Jcycn), with the support from KANALLAN has been implementing a Girls Empowerment Project in Devchuli Municipality located in Nawalpur district of Gandaki Province.
The project aims to strategically change the existing gender disparity through an inclusive approach and also targeting boys, community leaders, and direct coordination with the municipality as a whole.
Among various strategies like Coordination and Networking, Capacitate and Mobilization, Advocacy and Lobby, PeerMobilization are one of them. Currently, a Review and graduation ceremony has been conducted with the presence of elected representatives, peer educators, CSOs, Teachers, Gender Focal Persons and Parents as we are about to complete the project duration. We would like to express our thankfulness to the peer educators for their contribution to empowering girls at the community level and advocating for equal opportunity in engagement and participation of girls at social, economic and political levels. We would also like to express our thankfulness to the elected representatives, municipalities, wards, CSOs, Teachers, Gender Focal Persons, Parents and all the well-wishers and representatives from other organizations for the warm support and collaboration in these three years.
See the all of the pictures here