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MONGOLIA – New step for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Centre’s registration

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The Mongolian government has refused registration of the Lesbian Gay
Bisexual and Transgender Centre (LGBT Centre) as a non-governmental
organisation (NGO) since 2007, in spite of many statements by local and
international organisations. A new step is expected now, as the authorities
have responded the issue with a letter, marking the freedom to establish
(7 October
2009) The Mongolian government has refused registration of the Lesbian Gay
Bisexual and Transgender Centre (LGBT Centre) as a non-governmental
organisation (NGO) since 2007, in spite of many statements by local and
international organisations. A new step is expected now, as the authorities
have responded the issue with a letter, marking the freedom to establish

The letter
by the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia said, citizens of Mongolia
shall be "guaranteed the privilege to form a party or other public
organizations and to unite voluntarily in associations according to social and
personal interests and opinion" under the Constitution of the country.
Under this statement, LGBT Centre should be registered as an NGO.

Otgonbaatar, one of the founding members of the LGBT Centre, has been
processing the organisation's registration since February 2007 with the State
Registration Office. On 10 July 2009, FORUM-ASIA sent an official letter to the
Chief Commissioner of the commission, underlining that refusal of the registration
is contrary to both Mongolian laws and international human rights laws.

The national human rights commission replied FORUM-ASIA on 26 August 2009,
stating that under Article 16, par. 10 of the Constitution of Mongolia
mentioned above. Furthermore, the letter asserted that the Law of Mongolia on
Non-Governmental Organizations. Approved in 1997, the law states that all
persons, except State bodies, "may freely establish, individually or
collectively, non-governmental organizations on the basis of their interests
and opinions, without the permission of any State body".

LGBT Centre's registration has been repeatedly rejected by The Legal Entities
Registration Department (LERD) and the State Registration Office (SRO) of
Mongolia. The only official reason given was in July 2008, stating that the
Ministry of  Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia expressed
that the name of the NGO is not in the Mongolian language. It also said that
the State of Registration views LGBT Centre's name as immoral therefore the
public will not welcome it and that the name "Lesbian Gay Bisexual
Transgender Centre" is too long and unfamiliar to the Mongolians and the
term "LGBT" is not allowed under the current Mongolian law for not being
clear to the general public.

Also related:
10 July 2009, MONGOLIA – Questions unanswered: government denies registration of NGO