Odhikar, our member from Bangladesh, prepared his Annual Human Rights Report 2020 on Bangladesh, which was released on 25 January 2021.
Since its inception in 1994, Odhikar has been relentlessly struggling to protect the civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights of the people. Odhikar, as an organisation of human rights defenders, has always sought to raise awareness of all human rights violations committed by the state and campaign for internationally recognized civil and political rights, to protest and prevent the state from violating human rights. Odhikar unconditionally stands by the victims of oppression and maintains no prejudice with regard to their political leanings or ideological orientation and it advocates for establishing protection and justice for victims of human rights abuses.
Currently, an authoritarian government system is in place in the country and as a result human rights violations are common place. The biggest strength of Odhikar is the human rights activists and organisations in different countries of the world and the human rights defenders associated with it all over the country. Odhikar also publishes reports every quarter, based on fact-finding, research, and reports sent by human rights defenders from different districts of the country and data published in various media. A summary of Odhikar’s quarterly reports for 2020 is included in this annual human rights report.
Odhikar has been facing extreme state repression and harassment since 2013 due to its human rights activities. Despite the state’s constant harassment and obstruction, the report highlights human rights violations in accordance with international human rights standards. It is to be noted that due to the violation of freedom of expression and the practice of self-censorship by the media, various human rights violations have not been reported at a normal pace. Again, victims were also afraid to disclose many serious incidents that have happened to them, for preserving their own safety. As a result, the incidence of actual human rights violations was possibly much higher than the figures given in this report.
Odhikar expresses gratitude to all human rights defenders at home and abroad, likeminded organisations and well wishers who have cooperated with and expressed solidarity with Odhikar. Their cooperation and solidarity has strengthened the struggle of Odhikar against human rights abuses.
To see the previous human rights reports of Odhikar, please visit www.odhikar.org;
Facebook: Odhikar.HumanRights; Twitter: @odhikar_bd
You can read the full English version of this report here.